In a world where brands struggle to keep themselves different from the rest, augmented and virtual reality was born to serve the brands just what they needed. There are many websites that give real time experience of augmented and virtual reality to the consumers. Here are a few based on their ranking. They are ranked on the quality of their experience. Don't agree with the list? Vote for an existing item you think should be ranked higher or if you are a logged in, add a new item for others to...
Basil wanted to create a buzz around the launch of their new dish washing liquid in Kenya. Their creative campaign focused on the power of one drop of Basil to effectively clean the dirtiest of utensils.
A completely overwhelming experience for the audience. This augmented reality experience in Mumbai was shaped by Xenium Digital For Zee TV's Horror show Fear Files.
Fight of the Castle is a whole new AR experience! Just download the image required to play. Print it out on a piece of paper(either black and white or full collor). Download the app and start playing!
I've been working with the Vuforia Augmented Realtiy SDK in Unity recently and have been very impressed with the results. Until I saw the price tage ($4500 for Android/iOS).
GO BANANAS in collaboration with Transhuman Collective presents Mumbai in spectacular Augmented Reality. The visitors at the MCHI Property Show 2013 had a blast while experiencing different elements of Mumbai in this surreal zone. They travelled inside future Mumbai, took blessings from Lord Ganesha, Broke the Dahi handi, The Dabbawala delivered them lunch and could play the hero inside a Bollywood action shoot.
I'm looking for AR products that make a difference. As you all know, there are a variety of different cool applications with AR technology, but most are just fun for the moment, without any real benefits. Is there any company that uses AR to develop products that you could really benefit from?
Hello, I'm new to AR and I want to create an application with visual studio using MFC: displaying 3 buttons one will display a cube, another will display a sphere and the final one will quit the application. The object displayed can be moved with the keyboard ... Using ARToolkit and OpenGL. thank you in advance.
Hi, hope this question is not to naive, I am looking for different solutions to send data collected by a AR mobile app (say, a running app for example) to a website, I am sure there are already several systems without reinventing the wheel, can you maybe suggest some examples? thanks...
In the paper "A Survey of Augmented Reality" from Azuma he said: "Some researchers define AR in a way that requires the use of Head-Mounted Display". So I'm searching now for the researchers who defined AR in that way, but I found nothing. If anybody know who defined AR only in combination with the use of a See-Through-HMD, please tell me who it was. I need this information for my study.
Hi, I would like to know if ARToolkit is a good choice to enter in the AR development world for the first time, or there are other software much more recommended.
tagAR is an augmented reality tagging application developed for the AndroidTM Operating System and has been released as an Open Source Application under the GPL Version 3.
Hello, I'm Daniel Yelamos and I'm the CM of ARLab, a Spanish-Israel company that develops AR solutions. We've released a couple of SDKs and a few apps based on AR to help people develop this kind of software.
Hi there, I am thinking to do a campus information system as my final year engineering project on augmented reality but the point is I am stuck on a critical issue, which is related to image processing. My app would work on an android platform and mostly it will take in real time information from the camera and it will do feature matching of the buildings in my college campus and it would name the building like "Mechanical building" something like that, but I dont know how to do it.. what SDK...
Hi, I'm Yelamos, the community manager from ARlab, a company that has been recently involved in augmented reality. Up to now, we have published two SDKs for Android and iOS (ARBrowser SDK and Image Matching (markerless based) SDK). Following our easy API you will able to integrate Augmented Reality technology in your mobile application in few time. We just opened our beta program so we encourage any mobile developer interested to join us.
Dear All,we are an event organisation, based at Cochin, Kerala. we seek organisations/individuals who can develop an AR show that could be used as a promotional tool in Malls across India. Interested / please mail to transindventures (at) gmail (dot) com
I'm planning on doing an project related to Augmented reality, which will be focusing on developing a calculator for the primary children. Therefore i will be using a set of cards(15) which will have numbers from 0-9 and the 4 operands(adding, subtraction , division and multiplication) together with a card that will symbolize the question mark. So the application will give the opportunity for the user to either ask a question or to give an answer to an equation using the set of cards. what is...
SAP HANA, the fastest Database technology, presents a conundrum: we can't just animate a pie chart to demonstrate its capabilities. We believe this kind of processing speed will enable and encourage a new kind of Human Computer Interface.
Augmented/Views is a member contributed news spin site dedicated to news, happenings and discussion in the realm of Augmented Reality for Augmented Reality enthusiasts. Submit your own stories and save interesting stories to your personal profile. Join in, it's FREE!
Here is a quick demo showing the potential of watching how-to's with Augmented Reality and a smart phone. I bet we will see much more of this when the smart phone is common place.
Searching for some new new in Augmented Reality Apps I came across Augmented GeoTravel. I would have loved to have this app when I went to Europe. Being able to travel and hold up the camera & get more information on cool places I was seeing would have been awesome. It is like an ultimate travel guide and so much more. Check out some of the things it can do below.
Check this out! It is a music synthesizer that you can create sounds & music with just your webcam. You can also print out some 'Markers' to create even more unique sound. It is interesting that a gum product is creating music mixing software & Augmented Reality toys...
Tecnology directly afects our perceptive capacity, influencing the construction of the oniric sourronding , built in the alternate hyperrealist narratives
Imagine walking around and everyone looks awesome! Ok, maybe this beauty is only skin deep or shall we say AR deep. Coming soon to a pair of glasses near you, you will be able to put on glasses that actually make people look more muscular, have bigger boobs, look tan & blonde, etc... Now imagine that you can push a button or say a word and now all the people around you become brunette. Then another setting makes everyone slightly shorter than you. All of this in realtime!
This was a Chicago AR meetup we had where we introduced the concept of using a tablet to view Augmented Reality objects. We used ARSights app for this demonstration. The great thing with this is that there are 10,000's of free models & the ARSights viewer/player is free. It is as simple as downloading the viewer and then playing the file. If you want to create your own models they sell software for that.
AR-media has made some great Augmented Reality software. You can check out their new AR-media™ Plugin for Autodesk® 3ds Max® OR their AR-media™ Plugin for Google™ SketchUp™. They use a marker based technology that allows you to create models in either 3ds Max or SketchUp, then export them as a ARmedia file type to be played by anyone who has the free ARmedia player.
GE was one of the first large companies to make a cool AR application. The AR was done using FLARToolKit & PV3D, by Goodby, Silverstein & Partners and North Kingdom.
Augmented Reality, or just AR, is a combination of graphics overlaid onto the real world. Think of it as a cross between Virtual Reality (VR) and Real Reality (RR). Some good examples are Esquire's AR issue, eLearning video & GE's AR.